Copernico 2.0 - Weather stations management
Software for the asynchronous and real-time communication with sensors and weather stations and the further processing of the information.
General features
Overall system for weather stations networks operation
Easy handling in Windows environment.
Different communications media.
Historical data storing in data-base.
Real time data communication and display.
Easy handling
After the system installation, the user registers in his database the stations of his networks; sets the connection means; data acquisition timing and stores locally the station’s configuration.
This configuration can be modified at any moment, because of changes in the number or type of sensors, means of communication with the stations, etc.
Data acquisition
The application makes automatically calls to the stations in the background, logging any incident happened along this process.
It is possible to visualize real time data of those stations with permanent connection and change its operating parameters. The rest of the stations can be accessed manually to get stored data, display data in real time, change parameters, etc.
Data storing
Historical data are stored in a data base and can be exploited in text or graphic form.
The data base is generic regarding the time intervals and can coexist data of stations with different storing time intervals.
Alarm generation
Data collected by the stations can be subjected to control levels, warning automatically when any level is exceeded.
The application can be set to send an e-mail or SMS if the operator does not attend to the alarm.
The application controls different means of communication with the stations, this is: analog mdems, GSM, TCP/IP, GPRS etc.
Data backup
Data input in local data base can also be carried out by reading the USB flash memory of the stations. By doing so, data of remote stations without communications are included into the data base.
The information gathered in real time from the stations can be displayed in different terminals within the local area network. We can setup each user’s configuration to display the data that he needs by selecting stations, parameters, etc.
Copernico 2.0 Technical Features
Operating system |
Windows 7,8,8.1,10 |
Database backup |
ACCESS database SQL database |
Serial |
Modem GPRS/3G |
Cyclic data collection |
Management |
Interactive communications |
Alarms |
Exploitation |
Remote displays |